Q: When did you start modeling and who or what was your influence? A: I've always felt the natural inclination to model. One of my great influences is Kate Moss. She revolutionized standards in the modeling industry by being 5'6" [or some say 5'7"] and becoming a top super model. Her work is edgy and controversial: I like that. Since I'm just 5'5" and Kate has at least an extra inch on me, I feel not too far away from greatness. I intend to establish myself as a waif model [once I give up dessert!] Q: What do you think makes a good model? A: What makes a good model is not being afraid to be who you are, and fully accepting yourself--including your imperfections. What some see as an imperfection [like a mole], others see as a mark of beauty. A good model sees the perfection within her imperfections--as ironic as that seems. Q: There are many different aspects of modeling. From
your personal point of view what do you think is one of the most important
and why? Q: Knowing in the modeling industry there is a lot of competition. What advice would you give to someone to cope with the competition and to better themselves in competition? A: As far as handling competition in the modeling industry, I prefer to give another model [even if she is wishing for the same job that I want] a genuine compliment. Every model wants her break: I know that mine will come, but I also know that there are other models who have hopes and dreams just as large as mine. I wouldn't resent them for their success and happiness. Q: When you model what is the first thing people see? A: Different photographers and artists favor different parts of my body. I've been complimented--almost everywhere. Most recently I was complimented on my clavicle. Q: What are some techniques you use to help you model and to help you overcome any fear you might have when you model? A: My modeling techniques are fairly simple: I go into an audition/shoot/interview with hope and confidence. I always give myself credit for trying--regardless of the outcome. I use holistic beauty products. I either get a good night's sleep or make up for lost hours with a cat-nap. I watch what I eat. I welcome compliments because they are a huge esteem booster. Q: From your experience and knowledge what advice could you recommend to someone that is starting out in the modeling industry? A: For a model just starting out in the industry I recommend establishing an image (or various images) so that it is easier for prospective agents, photographers, and artists to see how you may fit into their ideal of beauty. Make sure that you get promoted: the world must see your potential, so don't hide it. Make good connections and always, always, always network. I can't over-emphasize the importance of networking. Q: What are a few things you do; so that your talent doesn't get the best of you? A: Even though I model, I make sure that it doesn't become my only identity. I endeavor to develop all of my potential in myriad ways since being a model is only one dimension of who I am. Q: There are a lot of arrogant people in the industry, what advice can you give so that someone's talent doesn't get the best of them? A: It's true that being a model can increase the ego-size of a person. The most important thing is to remember to value inner-nature over outer-looks. There is nothing wrong with appreciating beauty: it's only natural to love what is beautiful. However, it is necessary to remember that true beauty is an inner light of goodness--and this light can be found in many human beings, who by modeling industry standards are considered ugly. Always, we must appreciate the Light!